Thursday 28 August 2014

29. Rainbow Eyes ~ 26th June

I have to apologise for being behind with my blog, I've been away and also submerged under life's stresses - I'm sure you know the feeling!

I went to the audiology clinic today for an appointment to see if I fit the criteria to be given some equipment to help me lead as normal a life as possible.

The lady almost immediately commented on me having different coloured eyes. All the usual thoughts sprung to mind when someone says "oh my goodness you have different coloured eyes!" such as ' you think I have never noticed that before?' (of course I didn't actually say that to her!). Rather than the normal "wow, that's so cool" or "that's so unusual" or "they are amazing" or " have they always been like that" or "they are so beautiful", this time was different with the lady saying "interesting". I asked her why they are interesting and she started telling me about a condition called 'Waardenberg Syndrome'. She told me that two of the symptoms of this condition are different coloured eyes with one eye having a different coloured iris eg one of my eyes is blue and the other is a mixture of blue, green and brown. The other symptom I have is being deaf. I looked into the condition when I got home and other than those two traits, I don't have any of the long list of symptoms such as a white lock of hair, premature greying etc, so it has been ruled out).

Then the questions began:
"Can you hear your front door bell ring?
Can you hear the telephone ring?
Can you hear the person at the other end of the line when you're on the telephone?
Can you hear the television?
Can you hear someone shouting from downstairs to you upstairs?
Can you hear the fire alarm ring?
Can you hear your alarm clock?"

........ The questions carried on and on. 

She said that I met all the strict criteria and in a few weeks time a man will come to my house with lots of goodies and gadgets. I wanted to jump up and down, finding it hard to contain my excitement knowing this will be life changing for me.

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