Monday 19 May 2014

3. Altering My Bucket List - 13th April 2014

I made a bucket list a little while ago. For those of you who do not know what a bucket list is, it's a list (mine is long!) of all the things you want to do, see, hear etc before you kick the bucket. I had great fun writing mine and I printed little pictures to match the subject. There are too many things on mine to list on here. However a few of them are: fly to Hawaii, be a living donor, write a blog and keep it up to date (I'll let you be the judge of that!), train to become a psychotherapist, take a photo every day for a year,  write a book, become a Samaritan, go to the theatre more to see lots of musicals, go on a silent retreat, watch Michael McIntyre live, take up tennis again, visit an Amish community...... the list goes on.

It's suddenly dawned on me that I don't need to go on a silent retreat anymore as everyday will be silent! (I was told a joke earlier about two deaf men in a pub signing to each other. Man 1 tells the other about him getting home really drunk last night and his wife going mad at him. Man 2 said "what did you do?" Man 1 replies "I stopped listening to her". Man 2 says "how did you manage that?" Man 1 replies "I turned off all the lights"!) There are some things on my bucket list which I won't be able to do soon; I won't be able to hear Michael McIntyre live, I won't be able to hear the musicals, I won't be able to talk to the Amish. So what am I going to do about it?

I've completed the form, clicked the "book now" button and hey presto! Mama Mia here I come in a couple of weeks! I went to see it as a class outing when I was about thirteen and I loved it so much.  Back to my bucket list, is Michael McIntyre by any chance a friend of yours who could give me a ticket?..............

Update - 1st October 2015 - I made it!! I've just been to see Michael McIntyre live at The O2 Arena! I couldn't work out what he was saying most of the time, but I still loved it! Another tick off the bucket list!

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