Saturday 24 May 2014

9. I'm Not That Old! - 9th May

I went to an event today which was amazing. It was an information and support day for people with hearing loss. There were lots of stalls, either charities showing what they do and how they can help me, another stall informing what help and support I maybe entitled to free of charge, a course my family can go on to learn ways to help me (eg ways to approach me without making me jump) and so much more. As this is so new to me it was really beneficial and the kindness of everyone was overwhelming. One lady game me her personal e.mail address because she wants me to keep her up-to-date with how I am getting on! I got to meet other deaf people. Unfortunately no one my age, but it didn't matter as there were a couple of other people who had lost their hearing at the same age as me and they too experienced/experience the same feelings or problems I have. I came away with a goody bag full of information and lots of biro's handed out from all the different stalls!

Did you know that you can get an alarm clock which has a little device you put under your pillow which vibrates when your alarm goes off? There was me thinking that as I can no longer hear my alarm clock, I could take advantage of lots of lie-ins in the mornings. I wanted to curse the manufacturer for making such a thing. There are alarms which go on doors to alert the deaf person  when someone enters the room (and therefore not giving them a fright) by a watch that vibrates. Flashing doorbells, alerting land line phones, TV amplifiers and amplified mobile phones. There are other things available but not nearly enough. The one thing which is really irritating me is the assumption that because you are deaf, you automatically have poor eyesight and you are also elderly. The mobile phone I've been looking at (which appears to be the best hard of hearing phone on the market) has ginormous buttons and on most of the websites I've seen it states that "due to its simplicity, this phone is perfect for elderly people". I'm not elderly (well, despite feeling it at times!), I have my sight and I want a phone that can do everything my current iPhone can do but which will allow me to hear the person on the other end of the line.

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